Cement silo dust collector


There are two types of silo roof dust collectors equipped with cement tanks in mixing plants, without ash hopper and with ash hopper. The cement tank top dust collector box of the mixing station without ash hopper has a connecting flange at the bottom, which is directly welded on the top of the warehouse during installation. The advantage is that it saves floor space, but the disadvantage is that it is very inconvenient to climb the roof of the warehouse during maintenance.

The cement tank top dust collector with ash hopper is installed at the foot of the cement tank top of the mixing station, and is led down from the top of the warehouse roof by a pipe, and then connected to the air inlet of the dust collector on the top of the warehouse. The advantage is that it is easy to maintain and repair, and the disadvantage is that it increases the floor space.


The dust collector is divided into two parts: the upper box and the lower box. There is a perforated plate between the upper box and the lower box, so that the upper box is a clean air chamber, the lower box is a dust chamber, and the perforated plate is installed There are filter bags. When the dust-containing gas in the ash warehouse enters the dust chamber of the lower box, the dust is blocked on the outside of the cloth bag, and the filtered air enters the clean air chamber of the upper box, and then is discharged into the atmosphere through the outlet.

As the operation continues, the dust attached to the cloth bag accumulates more and more, the longer the time, the greater the resistance of the cloth bag, and the smaller the exhaust volume, which will affect the normal operation of the dust collector. Dust blowing system. The pulse backflushing cleaning system is controlled by a pulse controller. The dust on the outer surface of the bag is cleaned regularly, and the cleaning is carried out round by round, so the normal operation of the dust collector will not be affected during cleaning, and the dust swept by the cleaning will fall directly into the ash warehouse, and no special staff is required to undertake it. Dust removal work of the dust collector.

According to the design requirements of the dust removal system, the dust collector has its own fan to force the ash storehouse to exhaust air and reduce the pressure in the ash storehouse, thereby ensuring the safety of the ash storehouse.

The configuration and installation of the dust collector on the top of the cement tank of the mixing station is relatively flexible. One cement tank can be installed with one dust collector on the top of the warehouse, or two or three dust collectors can be installed in series to use one dust collector on the top of the warehouse. When two or three cement tank bins of mixing plants are connected in series to use a silo roof dust collector, the size of the air volume to be treated must be considered at this time, and a silo roof dust collector with a larger air volume must be selected.



Pleated filter bag


Filter cage


Single Dust collector


Long bag dust collector


Chamber dust collector