What color is the most terrifying of the smoke emitted by the factory?

What color is the most terrifying of the smoke emitted by the factory?

Passing by the factory and seeing the white plumes of smoke wafting out of the chimney, it is inevitable to question whether this is polluting the air?

In fact, black smoke from a chimney is usually a sign of pollution, but some white smoke is almost harmless, and some pollution is completely invisible.

The smoke from the factory generally has the following representative colors: white smoke, black smoke, yellow smoke, fire smoke, and no smoke. So what are these types of cigarettes all about? Will they all pollute the environment?

1. White smoke

White smoke is the most common smoke we have now, and many people will find that the colder the weather, the more obvious the white smoke. So what exactly is this white smoke? Why is it more obvious the colder the sky? In fact, most of the white “smoke columns”, especially those seen in cold weather, are just water mist pre-condensed by water vapor.

Generally speaking, the white smoke is mixed with a large amount of water vapor, indicating that the temperature of the discharged smoke is not high and the water content is high, which just proves that the enterprise has used the flue gas treatment equipment.

In order to meet emission standards and reduce pollution such as dust, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, etc., the exhaust gas of high-temperature boilers undergoes dedusting, desulfurization, denitrification and other treatment processes. Arrived in white smoke. A typical representative is the chimney of a thermal power plant, which generally emits white smoke.

Pollution Index: ★☆☆☆☆

2. Black smoke

The low chimneys of some small workshops emit black smoke. Most of the black chimneys are mixed with inferior heavy oil/scattered coal/waste wood/industrial waste, etc. The combustion temperature is generally low, and it is often accompanied by insufficient combustion. The exhaust gas is directly discharged without treatment, and the flue gas contains soot, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. , carbon monoxide, various organic gases caused by insufficient combustion, etc. Black smoke pollution is huge.

PS: For the white smoke mentioned above, if you observe the line of sight and the direction of the light from a side view in the afternoon or evening, due to the shadow produced by the thick white smoke, the smoke column seen by the observer is gray and dark, which is easy for inexperienced people to mistake. Sentenced to be black smoke. Whether it is black smoke depends mainly on the diffused smoke tail.

Pollution Index: ★★★☆☆

3. Yellows smoke

If the smoke tail emitted by the high chimney of the boiler combustion exhaust gas is light yellow, it means that the boiler exhaust gas desulfurization facility is not operating normally, and the flue gas contains a large amount of sulfur dioxide.

If the tail gas of other low-profile exhaust pipes is brown in color, the exhaust gas is likely to be nitric acid mist, chromic acid mist and other excessive emissions.

Pollution Index: ★★★☆☆

4. “Fired smoke”

In some chemical plants, a flaming “chimney” can be seen that burns day and night.

In fact, this is not a chimney, its name is a safety torch.

If the flammable and explosive gas produced in the production process of chemical plants is directly discharged into the atmosphere, it will spread and deposit near the ground, which will cause serious environmental pollution.

If it encounters fire, it may lead to fire or even explosion. In order to prevent these dangers from happening, people burn them together to prevent hidden dangers. Therefore, the torch device can be said to be a safety measure for chemical plants.

Pollution Index: ★★☆☆☆

5. Light white smoke

There is one that is mistaken for a chimney, but it is actually a cooling tower, which emits water vapor. The cooling tower is an evaporative cooling device that uses water and air to exchange heat and cold to generate steam.

Pollution Index: ☆☆☆☆☆

6. Almost transparent smoke

There are two possibilities for smoke free or almost smoke free.


One is when a GGH flue gas heat exchanger is installed. The principle is to increase the exhaust gas temperature by heating the treated exhaust gas, so that the exhaust gas can be discharged higher.


Another situation is that the coal quality is good or simple dust removal treatment has been carried out, and the flue gas still contains some sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, and the pollution may be more serious than the white smoke body.

Pollution Index: ★★☆☆☆


7. Colored smoke

Some chemical production enterprises and dangerous goods storage enterprises may produce colorful smoke in the event of a fire accident.

Colorful colored smoke has many and complex components, extremely high concentrations, and may be toxic, irritating, corrosive, etc. Therefore, once you are fortunate enough to encounter colored smoke, please run as far as you want.

Pollution Index: ★★★★★

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